Disciplina - Língua Estrangeira Moderna

I Love My Hair - With Lyrics

Vídeo da Vila Sésamo mostrando uma boneca que representa uma menina negra que canta sobre sua satisfação e alegria em relação ao seu cabelo.

Don't need a trip to the beauty shop, 'cause I love what I got on top.

It's curly and it's brown and it's right up there!

You know what I love? That?s right, my hair! I really love my hair.

I love my hair. I love my hair. There's nothing else that can compare with my hair.

I love my hair, so I must declare: I really, really, really love my hair.

Wear a clippy or in a bow Or let it sit in an afro

My hair looks good in a cornrow

It does so many things you know, that?s why I let it grow

I love my hair, I love my hair I love it and I have to share I love my hair, I love my hair!

I want to make the world aware I love my hair.

I wear it up. I wear down. I wear it twisted all around.

I wear braids and pigtails too. I love all the things my hair can do.

In barrettes or flying free, ever perfect tresses you'll see

My hair is part of me, an awesome part of me I really love my hair!

Produção: Sesame Street

Idioma: Inglês

Palavras-chave: cabelo, corpo, negritude, beleza, criança.

Duração: 01min58

* Todas as informações contidas nesse vídeo referem-se ao período de sua edição.

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