Disciplina - Língua Estrangeira Moderna

The Man Song

Um boneco canta a música 'The man song":

Ladies and Gentlemen, The Man Song!

(He's the man!)

I don't take no crap from anybody [else but you] I wear the pants around here when I finish with your laundry] Coz I'm a guy you don't wanna fight [When I say "Jump", you say "Yeah right!"] I'm the man of this house [until you get home] (He's the man!)

What I say goes around here [right out the window] and I don't wanna hear a lot of whining [so I'll shut up] The sooner you learn who's Boss around here [The sooner you can give me my orders, dear] Coz I'm Head-Honcho around here [but it's all in my head]

(He's the man!)

And I can have sex anytime [that you want it] Coz I'm a man who has needs [but there not that important] And don't expect any flowers from me [Coz if I'm not mistaken you prefer jewlrey] I'm the King of my castle [when you're not around] (He's the man!)

(He's the man!)

And I'll drink and watch sports whenever I wanna [get in trouble] And I'll come home when I'm good and ready [to sleep on the couch] Coz a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do [And I'm gonna do what you tell me to] Because I'm Top dog around here [but I've been neutered] (You the man!)

Fonte: Metacafe

Idioma: Inglês

Palavras-chave: Machismo. Homem. Mulher. Casamento. Mando.

Duração: 01min48

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