Disciplina - Língua Estrangeira Moderna
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TEENching - Total Quality Macmillan School for Teachers
Início : Sábado 15 Setembro 2012, 9:00
Fim : Sábado 15 Setembro 2012, 9:00
Informação de contato :

15/09 – Curitiba

Hotel Confiance

Alameda Doutor Carlos de Carvalho, 795

Batel - Curitiba
Email :
Being a not-yet-an-adult-but-not-a-child-anymore (aka “a teenager”) is not something easy. As a result, teaching them is not an easy task either! Therefore, this workshop aims at discussing some of the physical, cognitive and psychological characteristics of teenagers that might help language teachers better understand and, thus, better approach them. The second part of the workshop features hands-on demonstrations of activities and techniques that can be carried out in large, multi-leveled classrooms in order to further motivate and engage EFL learners. Cadastro via email: eventos2012@macmillan.com.br
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