Disciplina - Língua Estrangeira Moderna

Skills Necessary to Become a Farmer

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Just because someone hopes to become a farmer, doesn’t mean they have what it takes. Below is a list of skills and attributes aspiring farmers need in order to succeed in the business of farming.
  • An awareness of business management basics: Successful farmers must be well versed in various areas of business management, such as budgeting, marketing, management and other areas.
  • Knowing the business of farming: Farmers must possess an understanding of the business of farming as a whole. They must be able to monitor economic trends, advances in farming technology and maintain a current awareness of relevant legislation.
  • Have a good attitude: Farming is one career where one cannot afford to be “checked out”. Farmers must enjoy doing what they do for a living, as it is not the type of job you can simply show up for and run out the clock.
  • Financial management skills: Farmers must be able to effectively manage cash flow., ensuring that funding is available for improvements, growth and recession. They must also have a solid understanding of the financial cost associated with running a farming business.
  • Time management skills: This doesn’t simply refer to day-to-day time management, although that is certainly part of it. Farming is seasonal work, and farmers must be able to properly manage their duties from one season to the next in order to operate efficiently.
  • Record keeping: Farming is more than tilling and plowing, it also involves a fair amount of paperwork, record keeping and reporting. Farmers must ensure they maintain accurate records of their business activities.

Fonte: http://www.academicinvest.com/science-careers/botany-careers/how-to-become-a-farmer
Acesso em: 05/03/2014

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